AMP = Apartment Asian Massage Parlor
Agency = A company that manages calls, bookings, and advertising for a group of providers.
AMP = Asian Massage Parlor
anak gajah = cewe gemuk
Anal Rimming = Oral stimulation of anus
Analinus = Anal Rimming (Oral stimulation of anus)
anjelo = antar jemput lonte
AR = Anal Rimming (Oral stimulation of anus)
Asian Cowgirl = girl on top, squatting
ASMI = akademi santapan manajer Indonesia
ASP = Adult Service Provider
asusila = asal suka silahkan
ATF = All Time Favorite
ATM = Ass To Mouth
Aunt Flo = Menstruation
ayam = cewek panggilan/PSK
Babyback = Petite, young, attractive Asian
Bait and Switch = Person who shows up is a different one than advertised
bapuk = barang empuk
Bareback = Without condom.
Barracuda = A professional prostitute who's only purpose is to separate you from your money as quickly as possible, preferably without giving you anything in return.
BBBJ = Bare Back Blow Job, BJ tanpa kondom
BBBJTC = Bare Back Blow Job to Completion (oral sex to orgasm)
BBBJTCWS = Bare Back Blow Job to Completion with Swallowing
BBBJWF = Bare Back Blow Job With Facial
BBFS = Bare Back Full Service, sex tanpa kondom
BBS = bobo-bobo siang, barber shop
BBW = Big Beautiful Woman
BDSM = Bondage, Discipline, Sado-Masochism.
Beso Negro = Anal Rimming
BF = Boy Friend
BFE = Boy Friend Sxperience
Birdwatching = BBBJTCWS
BJ = Blow Job
bedu amang = bebek dungu asal mangap (seksi tapi gak punya otak)
benerin genteng = naek ke atas (masuk ke kamar bersama sang WP)
berondong = cowok ABG
Big "O" = orgasm, orgasme
binor = bini orang
bispak = bisa dipake
bisyar = bisa dibayar
BLS = Ball Licking and Sucking
Blue Pill = Viagra
BMO = bini muda orang
bondon = boneka donto
brajil (baca Brazil) = berani jilat karena mekinya bersih
BSD = Big Swinging Dick
BSW = Black Street Walker
BT = butuh titit/toket, birahi tinggi
BTW = By the Way
BU = butuh uang
buang tai macan = buang/keluarin peju atau sperma
bulu jagung = abg bau kencur yg baru mulai tumbuh bulu
bupati = buka paha tinggi-tinggi (tahun '80an)
Butterface = Everything looks good, but her face
caps = kondom
Cash and Dash = ROB who takes the money and runs
CBJ = Covered Blow Job (oral sex with a condom)
CC Rider = Full service provider costing $200 or less.
CCP = curi-curi pandang, cubit-cubit pantat, cicip-cicip payudara
CDS = Covered Doggy Style
cenggur = ngaceng nganggur
CFS = Covered Full Service (sex with condom)
CG = Club Girls, Cowgirl
Chump = A man who gives his money and/or his attention to women without getting any pussy in return.
CI = check in
ciblek = cilikan betah melek
CIM = cum in mouth, keluar dalem mulut
CMD = Carpet Matches Drapes (typically a natural blonde)
CMIIW = Correct Me If I'm Wrong, kalau tidak salah
CMT = Certified Massage Therapist. A professional masseuse
cobol = colok bo'ol (lobang pantat)
COF = Cum on Face, muka di masker pake mani
Cover = Condom
Cowgirl = CG, girl on top facing you.
cuci kolong = di HJ dari belakang/bawah
Cups of Coffee = Releases
cuti = cuci titit
damon = dada montok
Danamon = dadanya montok
DATY = Dining at the Y (Performing oral sex on a woman)
DC = Damage Cost (total pengeluaran ditempat termasuk tips, minuman, dll.)
DDE = Doesn't Do Extras (PS only)
DDG = Drop Dead Gorgeous
DDP = Double Digit Penetration (pussy and anus)
Decolgen = delapan koltol gentayangan
DFA = Definitely Fuckable
DFE = Dead Fish Experience
DFK = Deep French Kissing
diesel = diisep sampe kesel
diskon = disodok kontol
DIY = Do It Yourself (masturbation)
Djarum = djanda ranum
Djarum Super = djarang di rumah suka pergi, dugem-maniak
DKM = dikocok muncrat
doggy style = nungging
dompit = kondom kejepit
doni = dorongan nikmat
Doubles = A threesome with two girls and you
DSL = Dick Sucking Lips
DT = Dining at the Toes
DT = Deep Throat
Edi Tansil = ejakulasi dini tanpa hasil
eksekusi = ngewe
English = Spanking, etc.
EOM = End Of Message
Expats = Persons living in countries other than their own citizenship. Generally refers to Americans or Europeans living in other countries
F3 = Fuck For Free
facial = cum di wajah
FBSM Full Body Sensual Massage
FF = Finger Fuck, ngobel
FFF = Refers to the strategy of "Find them, Fuck them, Forget them"
FIV = Finger In Vagina
FJ = Fuck Job
FKK = Frei Körper Kultur (German brothel / nudist club)
FL = Free Lance
FO = Front Office, GRO
FOB = Fresh Off the Boat (Asian immigrant recently arrived in the US)
FOBU = Fat-Old-Bald-Ugly
FOV = Finger Outside Vagina
FR = Field Report, Fuck Report
French = Oral sex
French Kissing = Kissing on mouth with tongue contact
French Without = Oral sex without condom
FS = Full Service (complete sex)
Fuck = ngewe, ngentot
FUTB = Finger Up The Butt
FYEO = For Your Eyes Only, rahasia, jangan disebar ke mana-mana
galdimob = galak dimobil
galdiran = galak diranjang
ganti oli = buang oli yg lama biar nanti oli yg baru masuk lg, ngewe
gatot = gagal ngentot
Get Comfortable = Get completely naked
GFE = girl friend experience
GND = Girl Next Door
GO = Gonorrhea
Greek = Anal sex
GRO = Guest Relation Officer
GS = Golden Shower (urination play)
GSM = G-Spot Massage
Half and Half = Oral sex followed by intercourse.
Hardwood Floors = Clean shaven pussy.
Hat = Condom
helm = kondom
HJ = Hand Job
HM = High Mileage
HME = Honeymoon Experience (lapdog heaven)
HR = Hand Release (a hand job)
HSW = Hispanic Street Walker
HTML = hubungan tanpa making love
HWP = Height and Weight Proportionate
IM3 = ikatan meki murah Muwardi (PP Iwan, PP Cahaya, PP Santoso, PP Alami)
IMHO = In My Humble Opinion, menurut pendapat saya
Incall = You meet the girl at their place
intelek = intip tete lewat ketek
isep = seponk, blow-job
ismek = isep memek
ISO = In Search Of, I Seek Only
Italian = Penis rubbing between butt cheeks
ITJ = ilang tanpa jejak
jablay = dijamah, dibelai
jarot = jarang ngentot
jilmek = jilat memek
jiltok = jilat toket
jipatbu = driji papat mlebu
judi = jual diri
kapolda = kagak nampol dadanya
karaoke = blow-job, seponk, isep
kardus = kaki ramping dan mulus
karet = kondom
KB = kontol besar, kagak begituan
KRD = kelompok rolling door
kodak = konak mendadak
kodim = konak diam-diam
konak = kontol naik, ngaceng
konde = kondom
KTV = Karaoke
kuaceng = kuat ngaceng, obat buat bikin kuat ngaceng
kuku bima = kurang kuat bini marah
kutilang darat = kurus tinggi langsing dada rata
lanchau = kontol (bahasa WP)
Lapdog = Person who worships providers to excess.
LBFM = Little Brown Fucking Machine
LC = lady companinon, cewek di Karaoke
lem biru = lempar ambil yang baru
LE = Law Enforcement
LEO = Law Enforcement Officer
LFK = Light Face Kissing
LK = Light Kissing (closed mouth)
LOL = Laugh Out Loud
LOS = Land of Smiles (refers to Thailand)
Lot Lizards = Prostitutes who operate out of truck stops or other trucker hangouts.
LP = Long Play
LT = Long Time (usually overnight)
LTR = Long Term Relationship
Mabes = Jl. Mangga Besar & sekitarnya
Mabes Polri = Jl. Mangga Besar di pool belok kiri/di patokan Lokasari
macan = mamak cantik
Mamasan = Female manager of a massage parlor, mami
Mangdu = Jl. Mangga Dua & sekitarnya
Mazda Capela = masih dara kagak perawan lagi (sudah operasi selaput dara)
mbokne ancuk = embok'e di encuk (istilah buat orang jelek)
MBR = Multiple Bell Ringing (MSOG)
MILF = Mother I'd Like to Fuck
minak djinggo = miring kepenak ndjengking monggo
Missionary = Man on top, girl on back
MJ = muka jablay
ML = make love, ngewe
Mohawk = A thin rectangular strip of pubic hair
MP = Massage Parlor
MP = Multiple Pops (multiple releases)
MQ = meki, memek
MSOG Multiple Shots on Goal (multiple releases)
mucusek = muka culun tapi nge seks
mupeng = muka pengen
ngewe = ngentot, ML, fuck
ngupil = kobel memek
NGO = Non-Government Organization
NPWP = nomor punggung wanita pemijat/panggilan
NSA = No Strings Attached
nyabul = nyari bulu, nyabutin bulu
ONS = one night stand
OOT = Out of Topic
OTOH = On the Other Hand
otong = titit, burung, penis
Outcall = The girl comes to your place.
OWO = Oral WithOut a condom
OWOTC = Oral Without Condom To Completion
P4P = Pay for Play, refers to the concept of paying for sex
Pangjay = Jl. Pangeran Jayakarta & sekitarnya
panlok = panda lokal
Papasan = Male manager of a massage parlor
Paris Dakar = paras manis dada mekar
Party Hat = Condom
pasar toge = pantat besar toket gede
payung = kondom
pinay = cewek dari Philippines
panda = WP import dari China
panda lokal = WP chinese lokal
Ph3 = Phone Tree, nyebarin info dengan cara cepat (lewat sms/email/telepon)
PIV = Penis in Vagina
PL = Pathetic Loser
PM = Private Message sent via the Forum's Private Message service
PNS = pemuas nafsu sex
PO = Phone Operator
Populer = pupu di eler, paha di obral
PP = panti pijat
PPD = pegang-pegang doang
PS = Private Show (Dance)
PSE = Porn Star Experience
PSK = pekerja seks komersial
Punter = British slang for a man who engages in sex with prostitutes
PV = Private Viewing (Dance)
RA = Relaxation Assistant
Raincoat = Condom
rakosa = rasakan kontol saya
Reverse Cowgirl = Girl on top facing away.
Reverse Half and Half = Intercourse followed by oral sex to completion.
Reverse Massage = You massage her.
Rimming = Analingus
rini = rintihan nikmat
RMP = Russian Massage Parlor
ROB = Rip Off Bitch
ROFLMAO = Rolling On (the) Floor Laughing My Ass Off!
Roman = An orgy situation.
Roman Shower = Vomit play.
RRI = rayuan-rayuan iblis
RTFF = Read the Fucking Forum
Russian = Penis between breasts, Quickie (in Australia)
sange = sangat ingin ngewe
santi = santapan titit
sarung = kondom
SBY = Surabaya
SC = Strip Club
SD = sekolah dasar
seatbelt = kondom
sekwilda = sekitar wilayah data
setel perseneling = ngewe
SG = Street Girls
Shill = An insider posing as a satisfied customer
sikontol panjang = situasi kondisi toleransi pandangan dan kangkauan
sipedes = simpenan perempuan desa
SMA = sekolah menengah atas
SMP = sekolah menengah pertama
SO = Significant Other
SOF = Shit on Floor
SOG = Shot On Goal (one release)
SOMF = Sat On My Face
soni = sodokan nikmat
SOS = sisa on semalam
South of the Border = Gential Region
Southern France = BBBJ
SP = Service Provider, suck penis, blow-job, seponk
SPA = saya pijat anda, saya pegang2 anda, saya pengen anal
Spanish = Penis between breasts (Australia)
Spinner = Very petite, thin girl
SSI = speak-speak iblis
SSN = speak-speak nabi
SSD = speak-speak dewa
ST = short time
STD = Sexually Transmitted Disease
STR = Short Term Relationship
Stroll = Path frequented by street walkers
STW = setengah tua
STNK = setengah tuwo ning kenceng
Sun Hole = anal, lobang matahari
sugeng = susu ageng
sugito = suka gigit toket
supel = suka peler
surabaya = susu rayut banyak gaya
susilo = suka silit orang
Sustagen HP = susu tante genit haus peler
SW = Street Walker
Swinger = tukar-tukar pasangan
TAMP = Therapeutic Asian Massage Parlor
Teabag = Man squats and dips balls in partner's mouth.
telenji = bugil
Terano = tete rada nongol
TG = tante girang, titit gatel
TGTBT = Too Good To Be True
tikus darat = tinggi kurus dada rata
TK = taman kanak-kanak
tocil = toket kecil
toge = toket gede
TOFTT = Take one for the team. In reference to a new, non-reviewed provider.
Tossing Salad = Analingus
toman = toket mantap
tongpes = kantong kempes, tocil (toket kecil), kantong kempes alias bokek
torabika = tolong raba biji kakak dong
TP = Tanning Parlor or Tanning Place
Tri-F = A devotee to the "Find them, Fuck them, Forget them" strategy
Troll = Rude and hideous PL
Trolling = Posting thinly disguised ads in a discussion forum.
TS = Transexual
TTM = teman tapi mesum/mesra
TUMA = Tongue Up My Ass
tunge = tukang ngewe
tung-tung = tunge, bum-bum, ngwee
TV = Transvestite
TVSW = Transvestite Street Walker
udinpetot = udara dingin pengen ngentot
WIR = Would I Repeat?
wongso subali = wonge gak sepiroa susune sak bal folly
WOT = Woman on Top
WP = wanita pemijat, wanita panggilan
WSW = White Street Walker
WTF = What the fuck?
XOXO = Kisses & Hugs
ZZZZ = Bobok
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